Monday, January 28, 2008

LOST is back!!!!!

My ABSOLUTE favorite television show EVER - LOST- is back on Thursday the 31st and I am very excited about it! I am even more excited about it because of the video below. The producers of LOST have been putting out these 2-3 minute mobisodes over the last few weeks. They are called MISSING PIECES and show us moments on the island that we haven't "seen" before. This last one is called SO IT BEGINS and goes back to the beginning of the very first minute of the show. Actually it goes back to just before that. If you are a fan of the show, watching this will give you one of those mind-bending - 'what the heck?!?' moments that LOST is famous for. I'm so excited that I am going to sit down on the couch now and do nothing else until after the first episode of season 4 airs.


Doah said...

Dude, this is EARTH SHATTERING! The implications of this are HUGE. We have made so many wrong assumptions along this journey. What the . . . .

Thank you so much for posting this!

Michael and Lorie Taylor said...

Dude, that is awesome! You know, it actually supports a theory that's been brewing in the back of my head. In last season's finale, Jack asked another Dr. to "go upstairs and ask my father" during the Flash Forward. I began to wonder if somehow the Island had brought him back to life. (We just watched that episode again last week.) Then you post this! To quote Patrick (from Spongebob fame), "That's eeeeeerie!"

Cat said...

Holy buckets of smoke monster! You know, they say nothing stays dead on the island! So those times Jack saw Christian...oooh....holy cats. This was awesome. Sorry for bugging you during the 'Bowl. Talk to you tomorrow night!

Cat said...

Okay, so I know you aren't playing Find815 and you're reading the darkufo info instead, right? Okay. Did they mention Christmas Island on there? I guess your friend with the North Pole theory had the right track in mind!

Doah said...

Okay, now there are polar bear bones and a ghost buster! What gives! Give us a blog post you addict, you!

Doah said...

Dude, is Ben considered one of the "Oceanic Six"? I guess probably not because he wasn't on the plane. If you get a chance, go to my blog and read the new post: "LOST: The Garden of Eden Theory."

Sharon G said...

Hey there LOST man! Happy birthday (a day late), but since it was my birthday yesterday, I was must have been since Jan 28th, since there has been NO post from you. Tell us how your birthday was (ok I will say please)!!